

目前顯示的是 2016的文章

【Review Android Development for Beginner】Lesson 1A : Android 軟體畫面基礎

第一課:Views Views 是指一個App當中你所看到的東西,不管是文字、圖片、按鈕,都是一種View。 以此圖為例,可以看到許多種View,並給大家一個小小的Quiz作為練習。

【 Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming - 4

(I think Lesson 3A is the most important but also the most difficult part for beginner so far ) This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming Call Method on an objects If We want to call a method on an object object variable name . method name ( input argument ); ex: titleTextView.setText("News"); You need to make sure you put a right object so you can call the method

【 Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming - 3

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming Resources

【 Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming - 2

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming Output from a method If you want to output from a method : return value is the key point. Review

C++ How to Program 7/E 筆記 -- 第四章 控制敘述:第一部份

C++  How to Program 7/E 筆記 第四章 控制敘述:第一部份 學習目標 基本的問題解決技術 以由上而下,逐步修改的程序,開發演算法 使用if  和 if ...else 選擇敘述選擇要執行的動作 使用while重複敘述反覆執行程序中的敘述 技術控制重複與警示控制重複 使用遞增、遞減和指定運算子

第三章 類別與物件簡介

C++  How to Program 7/E 筆記 第三章 類別與物件簡介 學習目標 如何定義類別,並 使用 類別建立物件 。 如何在類別中定義成員函式,以實作類別的 行為 如何在類別中宣告資料成員,以實作類別的 屬性 如何 呼叫物件的成員函式 執行其工作 類別資料成員與函式區域變數的差異 建立物件時,如何使用建構子確保物件資料的初始化 如何建構類別,已將其介面與實作分開,提高再利用

第二章 C++ 程式設計簡介

C++  How to Program 7/E 第二章 C++ 程式設計簡介 學習目標 用C++撰寫簡單的電腦程式 撰寫簡單的輸入與輸出敘述 使用基本型別 基本電腦記憶體觀念 使用算數運算子 算術運算子的優先順序 撰寫簡單的判斷敘述

第一章 電腦、網際網路與全球資訊網簡介

C++  How to Program 7/E 筆記 第一章 電腦、網際網路與全球資訊網簡介 學習目標 基本軟硬體觀念 物件技術觀念(類別、物件、屬性、行為、封裝、繼承) 程式語言的種類 典型的C++開發環境 業界標準物件導向素模語言——UML 沿革 網際網路、球球資訊網與Web 2.0現象的沿革 在Linux 的GNU C++ 與在Microsoft Visual C++環境中測試C++ 應用程式 *結構化程式設計(structured programming) *物件導向程式設計

【Quora 翻譯&整理】對於程式初學者嘗試解決問題的好網站推薦

原文出處: What are some suggested websites to solve programming problems for beginners? (2016/5/15) 此篇文章強調的是去參加project的那種網站推薦

【Quora 翻譯&筆記】你能從你的Android App 賺多少錢?

原文出處: How much money do you make from your Android application? 這方面的答案僅供參考: Stanley Idesis (2016/ 4/ 10) app : Quotograph 沒有內嵌廣告,採取免費使用的策略,另外有IAP(in app purchase)的模式,不過發現在play store 用戶的付費意願非常低。

【Quora 翻譯& 筆記】哪些是學習編程的好方法?

原文: What are some of the best ways to learn programming? 翻譯&筆記自目前Upvoted數最高的答案: 作者:Kah Keng Tay 有八個選項可以提供給大家做參考,從這些地方入手:

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第十一週(C語言的基本成分 —— C程序中的字符串)

C程序中的字符串 第一課 1-1 字符數組 與 字符串 給數組賦值的基本與法: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () {     char a [ 10 ] = { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' , 'i' , 'j' };     for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++)    cout << a [ i ];     return 0; } *若是沒有給予足夠的初始值,暫存器會以 \0 來做存取,而再匯出時則會停於 \0 之處 若是沒有給予數組常量表達式,則會自動依序補上數組:

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第十週(C語言的基本成分 —— C程序的數組)

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第九週(C語言的基本成分 ——  C程序的數組) Part I : 一維數組初始化 注意:數組中的數字必須是個常數,若為 a[ i ] 也須定義 i 為一常數

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第九週(C 語言的基本成分 —— 控制成分)

C 語言的基本成分 —— 控制成分

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第八週(C語言中的數據成分 Part II)

C語言中的數據成分 Part II

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第七週(C語言中的數據成分 Part I)

C語言中的數據成分 Part I 在C程序語言中,變量 必須 先定義再使用 程式中可以改變的值==>變量 C/C++程序中的數據類型

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第六週 (C 語言歷史、規範)

本文為個人用於筆記 Coursera 課程:計算導論與 C 語言基礎中的課堂筆記。 本次課幫助大家了解 C 語言的歷史,了解 C 語言規範(Specification)的版本演進,了解 C 語言的規範是一個“寬鬆”的規範;在此基礎上,我們將闡述一門程序設計語言所包含的四種基本成分(如上所述)。 焦點問題: 為什麼相同的 C 程序在不同的 C 程序編譯器上,會編譯出不同的結果?

【 Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming - 1

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming This is the most important class in this course Define a method

【 Intro to Java Programming 】Lesson 1 : Introduction-5 (Algorithms)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction-5(Algorithms) Key Word : pseudocode Algorithms just like a doing things protocol+condition. Without protocol+condition, you can not make choice or do the decision. So if you want to buy car, you know the car speed and you don't consider the car price or the car condition, so it is your thought, it is the algorithm you buy a car. For computer, we give them the program ===>for them to do algorithm, but now we try to write done in Pseudocode. Pseudocode write in "spoken language" which help us to understand the problem so we can translate them into computer language ==>JAVA Code.org maybe it could help you have fun from learning code

【Intro to Java Programming】Lesson 1 : Introduction -4 ( Number and Text)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction -4 ( Number and Text) The different between Text and number is about this " "

【Intro to Java Programing】 Lesson 1 : Introduction - 3 ( Creating a Test Project ; Hello World, Two Lines )

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programing Lesson 1 : Introduction - 3 ( Creating a Test Project ; Hello World, Two Lines ) 

【Intro to Java Programming 】 Lesson 1 : Introduction -2 (Install BlueJ)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction -2 (Install BlueJ) Blue J is a Java learning environment. You can type your Java code on it and let it run the program.

【Intro to Java Programming 】 Lesson 1 : Introduction -1

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction

【UX Design for Mobile Developers 】Lesson 1 : What is UX ?

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : UX Design for Mobile Developers Lesson 1 : What is UX ? This is a course to teach you how to design a amazing 5-star mobile application.
This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2B : Final version code

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2B : String Data Type, Combining Strings Together, and Integer Variables

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2B :  String Data Type,  Combining Strings Together and Integer Variables Finally We cross the river and change the layouts successfully. But We can do it better by letting the price change automatically but not change after the we click the "order" button. So this is what we want to do in this class.

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2B : Nested ViewGroups

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2B :    Plan Quantity Picker Layout Nested ViewGroups (part1, 2) Choosing the Right XML Layout Build the Quantity Picker Layout In this Part, We finished the Lesson 2A and go on to the 2B We want to rearrange the layouts to a better Views.

【 Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Fix the Order Button

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Fix the Order Button Finally, you can add new coffee by just click the "+" button, but the order button is still out of work.

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Make the Quantity Picker Work

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Make the Quantity Picker Work In Last Class we still cannot fix the problem to increase the coffee quantity automatic. After the practice, now we can face the problem.

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Update Quantity Variable, Modify the increment/decrement() Method

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A :  Update Quantity Variable, Modify the increment() Method, Modify the decrement() Method In the last class, we found when we press the button "+" more and more, the coffee quantity just stopped at "4". And we have to figure out how to fix this problem step-by-step  in this class.

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Update a Variable in the App

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners The Notes below are my own notes in class. Lesson 2A :  Update a Variable in the App When you put new variable in the MainActivity.java you will get a new results when you press the button"+"

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Hook Up Two Buttons

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Hook Up Two Buttons Today's class is to modify our JustJava app. Add two buttons on the app. Check out the layout style.  Modify the xml for work. Check out the initial value. Quantity shows "2" Price shows "10"

【Android Development for Beginners】Lesson 2A : Debugging a Crash

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A :  Debugging a Crash This part just watch video is better for understand.

【Android Development for Beginners 】Lesson 2A : The Need for Variable, Add Your First Variable

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : The Need for Variable, Add Your First Variable When We change the "display" in our method,  we have to change the number one by one manually. Or may be we can set up a VARIABLE.

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Add TextViews for Price

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Add TextViews for Price =============================== Next Step is to check your app can change  "price" on your screen. First : Add Price and  @+id/quantity_text_view   to your layout. Second : copy those code into the MainActivity.java. paste them here under your left braces

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Solving Math Problems

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A :  Solving Math Problems So we know how to let our machine to display the number, and then we want to ask them to help us do some math work.

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Modifying First Lines of Java Code

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A :  Modifying First Lines of Java Code After paste up the Code on you MainActivity.java and run the button. Now, I introduce a simple concept for you.

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Do Something When Button is Clicked

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A :  Do Something When Button is Clicked We finish the layouts arrangement and we start to enter the most important step which is let your app can interact with users.

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Create a New Project , Plan How to Build the Layout, Build Layout

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Create a New Project Plan How to Build the Layout Build layout Follow the instruction below to build up a new app called "Just Java" use empty activity .

【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Introduction to Lesson 2

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 2A : Introduction to Lesson 2 After we went through the first part of lesson 1, knows the basis of the android layouts and XML code. In the lesson 2, we keep adding some new element into our app. We will divide the course into two parts which are all about interacting with user in this lesson. First part ---- Lesson 2A build up some buttons in XML code. Second part ---- Lesson 2B how to let the button do some action with our users. >>  下一篇