
【Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 2A : Create a New Project , Plan How to Build the Layout, Build Layout

This Notes is according to the udacity free course :

Android Development for Beginners

Lesson 2A :
Create a New Project
Plan How to Build the Layout
Build layout

Follow the instruction below to build up a new app called "Just Java" use empty activity.

Check out the layout in the picture below and answer the questions into the blank. ( Just like the way we do it before, figure them out.) 

After we make sure the plan of the app, we got to do it by our hands~

Don't forget where we can create our code for arranging layouts in the Android Studio! -----> activity_main.xml.

There are three missions for you to complete. Check them out!

Some tips in this class: 
  • If you want to clear up all the code in activity_main.xml 
    • menu bar >> Code >> Reformat code
  • If you want to check your code whether it meets the rules of studio 
    • menu bar >> Code >> Rearrange code

There is the step instruction
Step 1 : Check out your windows. make sure you find out the xml site.
Step 2 : After you make sure you layouts plan, you have to arrange you layouts into linear layout (vertical)
Step 3 : Add Text and Button then change the style for them.

If you still have problem, check out the code here. 

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