
【Android Development for Beginners 】Lesson 2A : The Need for Variable, Add Your First Variable

This Notes is according to the udacity free course :

Android Development for Beginners

Lesson 2A : The Need for Variable, Add Your First Variable

When We change the "display" in our method,  we have to change the number one by one manually.

Or may be we can set up a VARIABLE.

So We can just change number in one place  (integer) and all of them will change at the same time.


Important Vocabulary
  • Variable
  • Robust

Check more from here

 Now, you might notice that in our java code we have to follow a rule to write our program.

Data type : int ; Variable name : numberOfCoffee ; Initial value : 2
You should be understand the equal sign meaning in the programming.
"=" is an Assignment operator which is used to assign value to variable.




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原文出處: What are some suggested websites to solve programming problems for beginners? (2016/5/15) 此篇文章強調的是去參加project的那種網站推薦

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