

目前顯示的是 4月, 2016的文章

計算導論與 C 語言基礎:第六週 (C 語言歷史、規範)

本文為個人用於筆記 Coursera 課程:計算導論與 C 語言基礎中的課堂筆記。 本次課幫助大家了解 C 語言的歷史,了解 C 語言規範(Specification)的版本演進,了解 C 語言的規範是一個“寬鬆”的規範;在此基礎上,我們將闡述一門程序設計語言所包含的四種基本成分(如上所述)。 焦點問題: 為什麼相同的 C 程序在不同的 C 程序編譯器上,會編譯出不同的結果?

【 Android Development for Beginners】 Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming - 1

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Android Development for Beginners Lesson 3A : Object Oriented Programming This is the most important class in this course Define a method

【 Intro to Java Programming 】Lesson 1 : Introduction-5 (Algorithms)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction-5(Algorithms) Key Word : pseudocode Algorithms just like a doing things protocol+condition. Without protocol+condition, you can not make choice or do the decision. So if you want to buy car, you know the car speed and you don't consider the car price or the car condition, so it is your thought, it is the algorithm you buy a car. For computer, we give them the program ===>for them to do algorithm, but now we try to write done in Pseudocode. Pseudocode write in "spoken language" which help us to understand the problem so we can translate them into computer language ==>JAVA Code.org maybe it could help you have fun from learning code

【Intro to Java Programming】Lesson 1 : Introduction -4 ( Number and Text)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction -4 ( Number and Text) The different between Text and number is about this " "

【Intro to Java Programing】 Lesson 1 : Introduction - 3 ( Creating a Test Project ; Hello World, Two Lines )

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programing Lesson 1 : Introduction - 3 ( Creating a Test Project ; Hello World, Two Lines ) 

【Intro to Java Programming 】 Lesson 1 : Introduction -2 (Install BlueJ)

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction -2 (Install BlueJ) Blue J is a Java learning environment. You can type your Java code on it and let it run the program.

【Intro to Java Programming 】 Lesson 1 : Introduction -1

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : Intro to Java Programming Lesson 1 : Introduction

【UX Design for Mobile Developers 】Lesson 1 : What is UX ?

This Notes is according to the udacity free course : UX Design for Mobile Developers Lesson 1 : What is UX ? This is a course to teach you how to design a amazing 5-star mobile application.